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Member Institutions

Denison University

Unlock potential: become the architect of your own life.

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Kenyon College

Our curriculum is both wide and deep — we offer more than 50 majors, minors and concentrations, plus the option to double major or design your own.

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Oberlin College

One college, one conservatory, one community. Infinite possibilities.

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Ohio Wesleyan University

Ohio Wesleyan’s goal is to provide every student with transformational experiences that will prepare them for the causes, careers, and graduate school opportunities they want to pursue.

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The College of Wooster

When it comes to academic areas of study, the options for Wooster students are truly limitless.

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Board of Directors

Adam Weinberg, President, Denison University

Julie KornfeldPresident, Kenyon College

Carmen Twillie Ambar, President, Oberlin College

Matt vandenBerg, President, Ohio Wesleyan University (Chair)

Anne McCall, President, The College of Wooster

Academic Committee

Kim Coplin, Provost, Denison University

Jeff Bowman, Provost, Kenyon College

David Kamitsuka, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAO), Oberlin College

Karlyn Crowley, Provost, Ohio Wesleyan University

Lisa Perfetti, Provost, The College of Wooster (Chair)

IT Committee

Liv Gjestvang, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Denison University

Ronald Griggs, Vice President for Library and Information Services, Kenyon College

Marcel Mutsindashyaka, Chief Information Officer, Oberlin College

Brian Rellinger, Associate Provost for Academic Support and Chief Information Officer, Ohio Wesleyan University

Vince DiScipio, Director of Technology Services, The College of Wooster

Library Committee

BethAnn Zambella, Director of Libraries, Denison University

Amy Badertscher, Associate Vice President for LBIS and Library Director, Kenyon College (Chair)

Valerie Hotchkiss, Director of Libraries, Oberlin College

Dee Peterson, Director of Libraries, Ohio Wesleyan University

Makiba Foster, Librarian of the College, The College of Wooster

Operating Committee

David English, Chief Financial Officer, Denison University

Todd Burson, Vice President for Finance, Kenyon College (Chair)

Ian Smith, Vice President for Facilities, Planning, and Sustainability, Kenyon College

Rebecca Vazquez-Skillings, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Oberlin College

Steve Lippiello, Vice President for Finance and Administration/Treasurer, Ohio Wesleyan University

David Jones, Vice President for Business and Finance, The College of Wooster