Denison University

Advanced Chinese Language Curricular Development

Professors of Chinese from Denison, Kenyon, Oberlin, and Wooster held a day-long seminar to present their materials and syllabi for teaching advanced Chinese language. They used this meeting to make plans for new initiatives and increased communication between the four departments. A second meeting and workshop in developing coursework and teaching strategies in advanced Chinese, including the initiation of the proposed 2018-19 collaborative distance language course, took place on January 27, 2018.

Innovative Pedagogy and Research: A Collaborative Language Enrichment Project in Action

Professors Gabriele Dillmann (Denison University) and Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm (Ohio State University) designed a course and common syllabus to teach students in intermediate German classes about the migrant and refugee crisis in Europe. Through the use of distance-learning technologies, they connected their students to each other and to German language students at the American University of Bulgaria for regular German conversations on common readings and personal experiences.